Monday, June 26, 2006

A topic to enlarge on

Have for some reason become the recent target of a veritable onslaught of penile enlargement e-mails, at work no less, where my uses of the internet are unimpeachably pure. Where do they come from? Why do they come to me? Should I really trust the money-back guarantees they promulgate? If my casual gleanings of these missives are to be believed, technology has advanced to the point of extracting deposits of fat from various overfed regions of one's body and injecting them, yes, injecting said deposits into the diminutive appendage in question. I fail to see how this can assist in weight loss.

1 comment:

demondoll said...

Well, when I worked at Mouchwitz, someone was looking up the Hamster Dance, but forgot which animal. She, I kid you not, looked up Beaver Dance- and got an eyeful she would not soon forget.

Penile enlargement just seems wrong. What if the fat distributes unevenly? Who is going to want a lumpy peenie?