Tuesday, August 01, 2006

This flower wilts

The time is 7.10 PM and the temperature is 34.8 degrees Celsius. With humidex, it's almost 45 degrees. I don't know what this is in fahrenheit, but I do know earlier today, with humidity, it was around 117. This is entirely unreasonable. I demand a recount.


ElleDee said...

Holy smokes.
I truly believe soe part of my body would have just ignited itself and caused a fire.

demondoll said...

It's true. You've seen how big her hair gets sometimes, Lulu is like Drew Barrymore in FireStarter ;)

I'm sorry it's so he11ishly hot. How do the natives cope?

VS said...

The natives seem to bloody love it! The lunatics are constantly to be seen choosing patio tables without umbrellas versus the covered variety! I think there is, in every Canadian heart, so deep a sense of impending winter that they will exult in any non-cold weather, no matter how unbearable.

demondoll said...

Hm. Give it another year or two, and we'll see if you catch the lunacy... if so, I am dragging you and T to Vancouver.