Tuesday, October 09, 2007


I suspect I should feel sufficiently cowed this morning to delete the previous post, but that would be censorship of a kind — of my true character. Yesterday, at about 4:00 p.m., we received a phone call from our dinner guest of the previous evening. He had just checked himself out of the emergency room. Yes, taking a cab home at about 1:30 a.m., the pain had become insupportable and he diverted the cab to Mount Sinai Hospital. They informed him, after placing him on a morphine drip and doing a battery of tests, that he had a case of aggravated gallstones that would require surgical attention sometime in near future. Allegedly the doctor said it had nothing to do with my cuisine, but in my mind the connection is irresistible. Was it the pot-roast, the rice-flour soda bread, the gluten-free berry pie — or was it, all together, a recipe for murder?

In other news, to reward Canadians for having to wait months to see delayed broadcasts of the addictive drivel Project Runway, we have been given our very own version, Project Runway Canada — hosted by none other than Iman. After some initial awkwardness (she seemed at first like a second-rate actress playing a supermodel), she settled into what I suspect is her natural tone of ruthless disdain, like a panther recently awoken from a nap. Even her compliments, delivered in a velvety baritone, sound like veiled threats. The locks of hair on one of the final two contestants before elimination were literally trembling under her gaze! I anticipate a trail of tattered mediocre prêt-à-porter, and maybe even a little blood, in her languid wake.


ElleDee said...

no! I'm sure your food was delicious and poison free. I'm kidding :) I read you're other entry and had thought, "What a pig! Burpin' and such." And then he took a ride to the hospital. Oops :( But if no one else got sick, how could it be your food? See! It wasn't.
PS: I am a caveman (woman) and don't own cable so have never watched Project Runway.

yatsu said...

Oh, your character's fine. (And I know your cuisine's superfine.) You had no notion that problematic gallstones were to blame. You were in a very odd situation.

Now, to the vital matter of "Runway." Yum to Iman! I wish she would take over the U.S. version. All that delicioius Nubian fury. Heidi's fine and lovely, but rather dull with the dramatics and comedics. Thank Dolce & Gabbana that Michael Kors is sharp and bitchy enough for everyone!

demondoll said...

It takes months, mebbe even years to develop stones in your... innards. Ahem.
And your food is yummy. So do NOT even think for a moment that your guest got them from your food. In fact, I think it's like when oytsers grow pearls. It takes a looong time of irritation and other gloppiness to form those pesky things.

Iman is so hardcore. I love her. not enough to watch Runway, but I will certainly look for her online!
(I don't get to watch tv. Only dream of it)