Thursday, October 19, 2006


Just got off the phone with Mom. Turns out she hadn't read the e-mail yet (see previous post). Conversation went something like this:

V: So, Mom, there's something I want to tell you that I mentioned in the e-mail I sent, something I've wanted to tell for a while.
M: Well, why don't we just leave it and I'll read the e-mail?
V: Well, no, I want to tell you in person.
M: But, aren't you at work? You probably can't talk right now.
V: I'm in my office; I can talk.
M: OK.

Explanation followed along with some reasons as outlined in previous post. Mom's first reaction to the news was:

M: In May??
V: Yes.
M: Can—you can do that?
V: Yes.
M: Well, as long as you are happy.
V: We are, very, and very excited about the possibility of becoming fathers too. And I know that you can't share in our day-to-day lives, but I really want you to know what's happening in them and hopefully be a part that way.
M: Well, what's important is that you are grown up, you're an adult, if you think you are making the right decisions with your life, you are responsible for your own soul (italics mine), and as your mother all I can do is support you.
V: Even if you disagree?
M: Even if I disagree.
V: Thanks.

Her voice had become very quiet and sort of shaky. My sister and her kids were over, so I'm glad she had someone to debrief with (my sister knew, by the way, further tangling this web). I am really grateful to Yatsu and Corn for your advice; I am glad I did this; I feel better about my part. And still there is that feeling of selfish recklessness that comes everytime I come out of a closet (and I've come out of some, closets built, to my amazement, within other closets), that sense not of empowerment and triumph but of having done a little damage by choosing truth over discretion.


yatsu said...

This truth was too important to be kept under the seemly veil of discretion - as most truths are. (Don't make me rip out my [bad] Timothy Spall impression on you.) Congrats on your courage, mon ami.

VS said...

Rip away!! I miss it!

Anonymous said...

How could I have missed such important entries?
Knowing what a complex and strong relationship one can have with a mama, I can only imagine how difficult this was for you.
I applaud your courage!!!!

Anonymous said...

Good for you! I am so proud of your courage. We all know how scared I am of my own mama.

LolaDiana said...

Ah the truth, I know. Is it worth hurting someone you love for the sake of the truth?
Well done darling. You are a brave man and I admire you for it.

VS said...

You're all too wonderful for words. Thank you.