Monday, September 24, 2007

Tired, cranky

Hello. I'm tired. Why am I so tired? I eat well, I ride my bike about an hour a day. I go to bed early. I don't, however, always sleep immediately: T likes to read himself to sleep, and though he uses a discreet booklight, he has a habit of rubbing his feet together at every semi-colon — don't know why the semi-colons make him do that, they just do. Actually, I have no idea if it's the semi-colons; that's just one theory. I have many theories, as many as the sleepless, self-defeatist minutes I lie there, anticipating and timing the foot-rubs, interpreting, qualifying, codifying them, parsing the satisfied foot-rubs (a particularly elegant turn of phrase?) from the dissatisfied ones (a clumsily hanging participle?). They take on a feel of punctuation themselves, commas and EM dashes and ellipsis for the tedious ramblings of my insomnia. I need more coffee.

Have you been to Extremely diverting.


ElleDee said...

I'm still happy that you're blogging again ... I can't help it!
Yes, I've been restless lately. The pups barking at nothing and the boyfriend snoring doesn't help.
And I do love my sleep :(

VS said...
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demondoll said...

Me, I am exhausted and hating my part-time commitments. Not really, but I'd rather be chewing a bun. With you.
Or tormenting the ladies at See's