Thursday, July 13, 2006

The Table

Did I mention I bought a drafting table? No? Well, I did. From a perfectly delightful lesbian, with exquisite tats up and down her forearms and warm green eyes. She was moving out of her partner's home, not really splitting up, just taking space, and needed to get rid of the table. Why? Long story: change of creative focus from plastic to electronic. Drafting tables don't lend themselves to desktop editing systems, blah, blah. What does she have to do with this posting? Nothing really. A diversion so I don't have to admit the truth that one can stumble on the most beautiful of tables - and it really is a beaut, with its old-style tilting wheels and real wood surfaces textured already with the act of art - but no amount of money or lucky timing will turn up inspiration. Yep. Dry as bone. I sit at this lovely thing and wait. Still, I'm not particularly worried. I suppose it will come if it must. Why shouldn't I be barren for a year or more? There's no rule that says otherwise. Expectations are fairly unsettling. T occasionally mentions how he's waiting for my artwork to make us millionaires. He's sort of joking, I know - but just sort of. The minute you identify yourself as an artist - of any kind - expectations arise. And judgements. I hesitated to describe myself as an actor when I was one; I hesitated to describe myself as a writer when I was fiddling with that; I hesitate to describe myself as an artist now. (What's that? Hesitation has been the only constant in my creative life? Yes, you make a good point.) Why bring it up at all then, if I'm so conflicted? I just wanted to tell you about my beautiful new drafting table, that's all....


demondoll said...

Ah, yes. One's expectations for Self. I just heaved a sigh and shuddered.

I, the churchmouse, am confident in your $$$$ making abilities. You have the talent, the intelligence, and the courage. You just have to learn to politick w/ a-holes. Not join them. Just be able to not throw up a little in your mouth from from dealing w/ grossnesses.

I proudly display your works all over my living area(as does Yatsu) and bask in the compliments.

LolaDiana said...

I lost your lovely work in "the divorce" and have missed it sorely.

ElleDee said...

I've seen your artwork at Sister's ... you are crazy GIFTED. Don't you dare think otherwise. (And I mean "crazy" like "very." Not that you're one of artists that should be locked up in an asylum.)

demondoll said...
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demondoll said...

Hahahaha! Locked up in an asylum! (Sometimes I think it would be sweet relief. Heppas I just need to make a little padded room just for me. A Room for Mrs.Demondoll)

We all are just happy that you express yourself so beautifully in your art. Whatever medium.